Public Meeting: March 25, 2014, Interstate 40 (CA0609)

The Arkansas State Highway and Transportation Department (AHTD) will conduct a public involvement meeting to present and discuss the proposed plans for improvements to the I-40/I-430 interchange and widening on I-40 between Hwy. 365 and I-430 near Maumelle.

Public Meeting Notice

The Arkansas State Highway and Transportation Department (AHTD) will conduct a public involvement meeting to present and discuss the proposed plans for improvements to the I-40/I-430 interchange and widening on I-40 between Hwy. 365 and I-430 near Maumelle. This will be an “open house” meeting with no formal presentations. The public is invited to visit anytime during the scheduled hours to view exhibits, ask questions, and offer comments.

CA0603 - Hwy. 365 – I-430 (Widening) (I-40)

Tuesday, March 25, 2014 - 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Jess Odom Community Center (South Room)
1100 Edgewood Drive, Maumelle, Ark.

Ruby Jordan, Arkansas State Highway and Transportation Section Head - Public Involvement

Public Meeting Notice Flier
Project Map
Comment Form

What is the Connecting Arkansas Program?

What is the Connecting Arkansas Program?

Through a voter-approved constitutional amendment, the people of Arkansas passed a 10-year, half-cent sales tax to improve highway and infrastructure projects.

Which Projects Are Being Funded By This program?

Which Projects Are Being Funded By This program?

Thirty-one projects in 19 corridors across Arkansas are included in the CAP, which improves transportation connections to the four corners of Arkansas.

Which Projects Are Being Funded By This program?

Visit the FAQ Section For More Answers!

A collection of some of the most frequently asked questions concerning the Connecting Arkansas Program and the projects funded by the 10-year, half-cent sales tax.

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